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SAE International会员




[1] 项目负责人,智能座舱技术调研,校企横向合作研究,2024.04-2025.09

[2] 项目负责人,汽车电子系统信息安全与任务调度的联合优化设计理论与技术研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023.01-2025.12

[3] 项目负责人,汽车智能辅助驾驶系统的发展与展望研究教育部产学合作协同育人项目2023.12-2024.12

[4] 项目负责人,碰撞风险预测算法原理模型开发,校企横向合作研究,2022.06-2023.05

[5] 项目负责人,智能电动汽车研发战略研究,校企横向合作研究,2021.06-2022.06

[6] 项目负责人,安全检测机器人软件系统开发,校企横向合作研究,2021.09-2024.09

[7] 项目负责人,车载电子系统信息安全防护技术开发,校企横向合作研究,2020.12-2021.12

[8] 主要参加人,类脑智能下自动驾驶机器心理行为与伦理决策安全研究技术采购,校企横向合作研究,2021.03-2021-12

[9] 主要参加人,协同式车辆编队控制方法研究技术采购项目,校企横向合作研究,2021.1-2022.12

[10] 主要参加人,车载CAN网络支持远程ECU动态刷写关键技术,吉林省科技发展计划项目,2020.01-2022.12

[11] 主要参加人,ECU 三路 CAN 刷写控制系统开,校企横向合作研究,2016.06-2019.09

[12] 主要参加人,车载总线网络信息安全关键技术,吉林省科技发展计划项目,2015.01-2017.12


[1] Zhenhai Gao, Mingxi Bao, Taisong Cui, Fangyuan Shi, Xianqing Chen, Wenhao Wen, Fei Gao, Rui Zhao*, Collision Risk Assessment for Intelligent Vehicles Considering Multi-Dimensional Uncertainties, IEEE Access, 2024.

[2] Rui Zhao, Kui Wang, Wenbo Che, Yun Li, Yuze Fan, and Fei Gao, Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning, Sensors, 2024, 24(8):1-18.

[3] Jianghang Wu, Senyao Qiao, Haocheng Li, Boyu Sun, Fei Gao, Hongyu Hu, Rui Zhao*, Goal-Guided Graph Attention Network with Interactive State Refinement for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction, Sensors2024, 24(8):1-17.

[4] Rui Zhao, Kui Wang, Yang Xiao, Fei Gao, and Zhenhai Gao, Leveraging Monte Carlo Dropout for Uncertainty Quantification in Real-Time Object Detection of Autonomous Vehicles, IEEE Access, 2024,12: 33384-33399.

[5] Senyao Qiao, Fei Gao, Jianghang Wu, Rui Zhao*, and Zhenhai Gao, An Enhanced Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Model Leveraging LSTM and Social-Attention Mechanisms, IEEE Access, 2024,12: 1718-1726.

[6] Rui Zhao, Cheng Luo, Fei Gao, Zhenhai Gao, Longyi Li, Dong Zhang and Wengang YangApplication-Layer Anomaly Detection Leveraging time-series Physical Semantics in CAN-FD Vehicle NetworksElectronics2024, 13(2): 1-24.

[7] Rui Zhao, Yun Li, Fei Gao, Zhenhai Gao, and Tianyao Zhang, Multi-Agent Constrained Policy Optimization for Conflict-Free Management of Connected Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023,11: 1-15.

[8] Fei Gao, Cheng Luo, Fangyuan Shi, XianQing Chen, Zhenhai Gao, and Rui Zhao*, Online Safety Verification of Autonomous Driving Decision-Making Based on Dynamic Reachability Analysis, IEEE Access, 2023,11: 93293-93309.

[9] 赵睿;李云;胡宏宇;高镇海; 基于 V2I 通信的交叉口车辆碰撞预警方法,3003必赢贵宾会线路学报(工学版)2023.04.

[10] 胡宏宇;左记祥;赵睿*,基于U-Net++的路网检测方法,中国公路学报2022.

[11] Rui Zhao, Guihe Qin, Jie Yan, Jun Qin, Schedule Optimization for TTEthernet-Based Time-Triggered Automotive Systems, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2020, 21: 1483-1494.

[12] Jie YanGuihe QinRui Zhao*Yanhua LiangQianyi XuMixPred: Video Prediction Beyond Optical Flow, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 185654-185665.

[13] Rui ZhaoGuihe QinLyu YingJie YanSecurity-Aware Scheduling for TTEthernet-Based Real-Time Automotive Systems, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 85971-85984.

[14] Rui ZhaoGuihe QinHaipeng ChenJun QinJie YanSecurity-Aware Scheduling for FlexRay-Based Real-Time Automotive Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 4130756.

[15] Rui ZhaoGuihe QinJiaqiao LiuA Rectangle Bin Packing Optimization Approach to the Signal Scheduling Problem in the FlexRay Static Segment, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Enginerring, 2016, 17(4): 375-388.

[16] Rui ZhaoGuihe QinJiaqiao LiuOptimal Scheduling of the FlexRay Static Segment Based on Two-dimensional Bin-packing Algorithm, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2016, 1 7(4): 703-715.

[17] Rui ZhaoGuihe QinJiaqiao LiuGateway System for CAN and FlexRay in Automotive ECU Networks, International Conference on information, Networking and Automation, 2010.

[18] 赵睿秦贵和范铁虎FlexRay 通信协议的总线周期优化,计算机应用研究2010, 27(10): 3847~3850.

[19] Debao KongWenhao WenRui Zhao, Zheng LvKewang LiuYujie LiuZhenhai GaoVehicle Lateral Velocity Estimation Based on LSTM, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2022, 13(1) .

[20] Chuting WangGuihe QinRui ZhaoShimin SongAn Information Security Protocol for Automotive Ethernet, Journal of Computers, 2021.02.

[21] Biaobing HuangGuihe QinRui ZhaoQiong WuRecursive Bayesian Echo State Network with an Adaptive Inflation Factor for Temperature Prediction, Neural Computing and Applications, 2018, 1(9) .

[22] Yi LiuGuihe QinRui ZhaoSecurity Protocol for On-Board Controller Area Network, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2018, 52(5): 94-100.

[23] Zhengshi HanGuihe QinRui ZhaoYi LiuYunlong LiangDesign and Implementation of Security Protocol for In-Vehicle FlexRay BusesJournal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2018, 52(12): 63-69.

[24] Yue HuangGuihe QinTong LiuRui ZhaoXiaodan WangInvestigation into In-vehicle Information Security, Advanced Research on Material Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Applied Technology II, 2014, 1003:273-278.

[25] Yue HuangGuihe QinTong LiuRui ZhaoBo ZhaoAnalysis on In-vehicle Information Security Defense, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences & Engineering, 2016, 16(3): 1-9.

[26] 赵睿李云高菲高镇海张天瑶,秦贵和,基于多智能体约束策略优化的无信号交叉口协同控制方法2024-02-02中国ZL 2022 1 1074749.1

[27] 李云赵睿高镇海高菲张天瑶,基于深度强化学习的自动驾驶车辆交叉口无冲突合作方法2023-11-03中国ZL 2022 1 1135878.7

[28] 赵睿李云高镇海胡宏宇高菲张天瑶,一种基于V2I通信的无信号控制道路交叉口碰撞预警方法,2021-07-02中国ZL 2021 1 0830282.8

[29] 赵睿刘通秦贵和刘家侨黄玥许骞艺晏婕王立然一种分布式车载电子系统安全防护方 , 2019-04-30, 中国, ZL 2018 1 0912814.0

[30] 王楚婷秦贵和赵睿成一铭高天宇宋世民纪辰瑾赵俊法董晓慧师雅迪一种车载以太网信息安全防护方法, 2020-10-20, 中国, ZL 2019 1 0896749.1

[31] 黄玥秦贵和赵睿刘通赵博张晓阳邵亚辉车载信息安全的评价方法, 2016-10-19, 中国

[32] 邹密秦贵和高庆洋张晓阳秦俊呼布钦徐洋于赫赵睿吴星辰一种基于卷积神经网络的车型精细分类系统,2016-03-23,中国,ZL 2016 1 0168469.5

[33] 秦贵和邵亚辉赵睿李滨穆胜亮孙浩泰王世尧任鹏飞 种接收射频信号及按键输入的汽车遥控钥匙, 2015-02-18中国, CN201420600198.2

[34] 赵睿等,消息认证软件V1.0中国2017SR416954

[35] 赵睿等,消息加密软件V1.0, 中国2017SR416949

[36] 赵睿等,车载网络安全的CAN总线消息认证软件V1.0, 中国, 2017SR066559

[37] 赵睿等,车载CAN总线数据传输的DES加解密软件V1.0, 中国,2017SR076569


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邮箱: rzhao@jlu.edu.cn

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